Congratulations to Tatum Iverson and Jonah Hackbart-Morlock for being recognized as being one of the best ensembles in the State!
Good luck to our students performing at #LargeGroupSpeech today! #ehawkpride
The Middle School Jazz Band is on its way to Clear Lake for the NCIBA Jazz Clinic. Looking forward to showcasing what we've been working on and recieve feedback from retired jazz band teachers!
Middle School Lost & Found
6th Grader’s are using Google Sheets and Google Docs to play Battleship in Computer Class! They are totally into this! Split screens, reading, writing and locating cells!
Sophomores helped by peer reviewing freshmen argumentative pieces today.
More cow 🔔.
A great day with the 8th graders at an I-Wolves game. Thank you to the PATHS group for funding this.
8th Grade Girls basketball against GTRA 2-3-20
7th Grade Girls Basketball against GTRA 2-3-20
7th Grade Girls Basketball against GTRA 2-3-20
Caucus time!
Critical Thinking classes played a review game on #Gimkit over #RhetoricalDevices #RetoricalAppeals and #PropagandaTechniques #TotalEngagement #ehawkpride
Historical fiction in 6th. Student choice + background knowledge+ comfy furniture = student engagement!
Middle School Wrestling Invitational on Saturday 2-1-20
Middle School Wrestling Invitational on Saturday 2-1-20
Middle School Wrestling Invitational on Saturday 2-1-20
A fun recess surprise for second graders! The official King of the Mountain, Officer Adams! #schany2nd #ehawkpride
8th graders wrote persuasive papers/speeches and presented them in front of an authentic audience. Some students wrote about issues concerning the city of Emmetsburg and presented to Officer Adams and Mr. Degen, the mayor. Others wrote about issues concerning the school and presented to Mr. Hanna, the superintendent. They did awesome! Thank you to the community members for coming into my classroom!
Celebrating our 100th day of Kindergarten!