5th grade students build models of snow forts, igloos, and snowmen in language arts. What will be the next step?
AP Lit is back! Practicing our multiple choice testing using Wordsworth’s “The World is Too Much With Us.”
Jon Lace wins his 100th match of his career on Tuesday, January 7.
2020 Dodgeball Tourney Champs
5th grade general music is welcoming in the new semester with "Se, Se, Se" - a Japanese singing game, similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors. This warm up gets the students warming up their voices and their bodies!
Welcome back to school!
Check it out... school has a new social media front and website!!!!
Happy 2020 from Mrs. Schany's second grade class!
Teachers are the students this afternoon!
Learning Thrill Share to use as a webpage
8th graders reading to our Preschoolers today!!
West Elementary Makerspace
Great Pops Concert Saturday night!
Test test
Good morning, Emmetsburg!