Brandt Roskens - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You.
Holly Keenan - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You!
Dan Hewitt - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You!!
...And we’re off!!!!! The materials are here and Brynna has begun processing the mural panels. There will be 4, 48” x 56” panels to make the 8’ x 9’ 4” project. #ehawkart #ehawkpride
Amanda Luke - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You!
Bryan Ruff - An Essential Piece of our Puzzle. Thank You!!
Billie Buhrow - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You!
Congratulations to Abbie Schany who was selected as a 2021 Governor’s Scholar. She submitted April Moffitt as her most influential teacher.
Tune in tonight to the Emmetsburg Fine Arts YouTube Channel to join the Emmetsburg Prom Grand March 2021 Live Stream! Grand March starts at 5:30 pm!
Ellen Meerdink - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You
Kelly Swanson - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You!
Kim Heddinger - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You!
Lisa Chapman and Rhonda McCartan - An Essentail Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank you!
Congrats to these 5th & 6th graders for being selected by their teachers as this weeks Students of the Week for representing our E-Hawk Boundaries (Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect This Place)!
Way to go Ivorie, Caylee, Kaylynn, and Jovani! Keep up the great work!
Sue Rouse - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank You!
JaDee Gloede - An Essential Piece of Our Puzzle. Thank you!
3rd grade students learned about a new medium today, and they are rocking these charcoal pet portraits! #ehawkpride
7th Grade Students worked on National History Day projects and competed at District competition in February.
8th Grade Students worked on National History Day projects and competed at District competition in February.
8th Grade Students worked on National History Day projects and competed at District competition in February. Ava Dietrich's project on Jane Elliott qualified for the State NHD Competition in April.